donnamkelly 23rd January 2008

Hiya grandad! (My Joe) It feels soooo nice to be able to somehow speak to you, I always think of you everyday and you will never leave my life! I am so gutted that u passed the day before I came home. People said it was probably better for me not to see you the way you where, but I would give anything to have you breathing in my arms one last time. The last I saw you was when you were going for a drink with my nan and I helped you get your jacket on. Oddly enough I realised when I went to your flat after you had left me that you must of had odd shoes on!! Wolly. :-) I really miss you more than anyone can know, I may put a brave face on but deep down I will always morn for you. It still doesnt seem right that your gone, death really does scare me for the fact that I need my family so much im scared of loosing them, and never seeing them again. But I suppose we will all meet again someday, It is so nice of wendy for letting me share my thoughts with you through this site, so thanks wendy if you read this. Ill never forget the 2 litle bottle of water you always had beside your chair and the stale chewing gum stuck on top of it, or the steak and homemade chips dinners smothered in brown source! But mostly ill never forget the horsey rides, and falling asleep on your tummy! You truly were my idol, thanks for all the great advice and I hope I still make you proud. Grandaughter Donna x x x x x x